Christ Church is pleased to host a Bath Foodbank collection point. Please use this to donate food to this important local charity - perhaps buy one or extra things next time you go shopping, perhaps using that buy one, get one free offer! The Bath Foodbank Shopping List details the most needed items.
Donations of cash are also welcome, to help defray costs such as warehousing, admin and transport.
And even more importantly, please pray for Bath Foodbank and its clients.
More about Bath Foodbank
Families on the borderline, trying to make ends meet, can be severely thrown by a sudden demand on their resources and fnd themselves without funds to buy food. That’s where Foodbank can step in to help.
People may be referred to Foodbank by social and health services, Citizens Advice Bureau or other advice agencies and charities. The kinds of crises that lead to referrals are beneft delays, benefit changes, debt, low income, illness, domestic abuse and delayed wages.
Bath Foodbank, run by the Genesis Trust, will supply vouchers that can be exchanged for nonperishable supplies to tide clients over a crisis. The list of items is carefully drawn up to provide a nutritionally balanced food parcel to last three days. There is a limit of three issues of vouchers to any one applicant; after that, clients are referred to the social services.